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MRP glossary TOP > Engineering Data Control > Where-used Chain

Where-used Chain

Where-used Chain

It usually requires two connections between an item and the product structure to create a bill of materials. One is the connection to search one's child(ren), or lower-level items, another is to search one's parent(s), or upper-level items. The former is called Chain, and the latter is called Where-used Chain.


Where-used Chain means the connection with an item and the product structure, showing what upper-level items use an item. In such item structure as shown in the figure, the Purchased Part b is used by Product X and Y. In other words, Where-used Chain shows the connections between Item b and Product Structure X-b as well as Item b and Product Structure Y-b. In a similar fashion, the connections to search one's parent(s) are also made for Material "イ", Processed Product a and c.

Related term: Bill of Materials,Chain

Reference:JIT Business Research Mr. Hirano Hiroyuki

Version. No. | Engineering Data Control